Word search Creator
Create a word search
Shuffle a word search
Set word directions
Change grid shape
For Windows:
Download Word Search Creator from the downloads page and run the installer.
For macOS:
Download Word Search Creator from the downloads page open the DMG. The application is unsighed which will cause macOS to refuse to open the applicaion. To resolve this Secondary click / Control-click the Application icon and click "open" then click the "open" button. You can now close Word Serch Creator and install it by draging the icon onto the Applications Icon.
For Ubuntu:
Download Word Search Creator from the downloads page then open a trerminal and run the following command:
sudo apt install ./Downloads/wordsearchcreator_1.3_amd64.deb
Create a word search
Type the words in to the 'Word list' box on the right, one word per line.
Typing two words per line will place the words together on the grid.
Set the size of the grid with the spin boxes below the 'Word list' box.
Click the 'Auto Enlarge' option to ensure that all the words will fit the grid.
Click the 'Create' button to create the word search.
Shuffle a word search
To shuffle a word search simply click the 'Create' button again.
Set word directions
Click 'Wordsearch' then 'Set Allowed Directions' then click the arrows to allow/dissallow directions.
Change grid shape
Set the size of the grid first then click the 'Shape mask' option.
Click 'Wordsearch' then 'Mask Drawer'. To draw the shape right click squares to disable them and click squares to enable them. Drag the mouse to draw.